Wondering What's New In Implant Dentistry? 3 Important Advancements

Unlike dentures, plates, and other dental appliances, dental implants are a permanent replacement solution for those who have lost one or more teeth due to accidents, injuries, disease, or age-related issues. Since the care of a high-quality dental implant is similar to that of a natural, healthy tooth, recipients no longer need to use special solutions or adhesives and instead are able to brush, floss, and rinse normally. If you are interested in exploring the possibility of a dental implant to replace one or more of your own missing or damaged teeth, you will be happy to learn about these new developments in implant dentistry.  

Better options for infection control

Because of the warm, moist conditions and bacteria present in the oral cavities, the risk of infection for any type of invasive dental procedure is one that must be carefully considered. Since implant dentistry involves placing an anchor into the bone of the jaw, infection has been a concern for dental implant patients in the past. One recent advancement may be able to lessen this risk for most patients. 

This advancement involves using a specially designed implant that includes an internal reservoir filled with an antimicrobial agent. Constructed of a porous composite material, the implant is able to gradually release the antimicrobial agent over a long period of time to help protect patients from infections. 

Robotic implant surgeries offer more precision

Another exciting advancement in the implant dentistry world is the use of robotic technology to perform the actual surgical procedures. The medical community has increasing used robotic surgery in many other types of procedures and it has proven to be extremely effective in applications where precision is needed. 

In Miami, Florida, a robot is currently being developed for use in robotics-assisted dental surgeries and has recently completed a successful dental surgery test procedure. China has also been active in the development of this type of robotics usage. Dental experts have already reported that a robot was recently able to complete two successful dental implants in a female patient there. 

3D printing offers hope for patients with bone loss

Dental patients with insufficient bone mass have often been deemed unsuitable for standard implant surgeries, but 3D technology may solve that problem. By using hyperelastic bone made from bioactive materials and polymers, 3D printers may be able manufacture something to take the place of bone grafts and create a suitable surface for implants. 

If these advancements make you want to learn more about your options for a dental implant procedure, start by discussing your situation with your dental care provider. They can help answer your questions and refer you to a specialist in implant dentistry who can help. 
