Once you have your braces removed, there is a slight risk that your teeth may move back out of alignment. The gum tissues surrounding your teeth can become stressed due to braces. In order to alleviate the stress, the gum tissue reacts by pulling your teeth back into its original position. When this happens, your dentist may suggest a fiberotomy. The purpose of a fiberotomy is to get rid of these gum tissues in order to prevent your teeth from becoming misaligned again. After the procedure is complete, you may be left with some pain and swelling. The swelling will reduce as your mouth and gums begin to heal. Until then, there are a few tips that you can use in order to help reduce swelling after a fiberotomy.
Rinse Lightly with a Chamomile Mouthwash
Chamomile can be used to treat muscle soreness and aches. The herb is an anti-inflammatory that when used regularly can help to reduce swelling. You can create a chamomile rinse by applying a handful of dried chamomile to a small pot of water. Allow the mixture to boil, then remove it from the heat. Wait for the mixture to cool before using the mouthwash to coat the insides of your mouth. Avoid moving the rinse around your mouth too aggressively. Simply tilt your head from side to side in order to move the chamomile mixture throughout your mouth. Hold the mouthwash on the surgical site for a few minutes before opening your mouth to release the rinse. Avoid spitting, simply use cool water to clean out your mouth.
Place a Cold Compress Against The Outside of The Surgical Site
A cold compress can be placed against your skin, near the surgical site in order to reduce any swelling. This should be performed within the first few hours after surgery. In order to create your own cold compress. Simply fill a large bowl with ice and fill it with cold water. Dip a clean cloth in the bowl and wring it till it is no longer soaking wet. Place a few ice blocks in the cloth and apply the cloth to the outside of your mouth. Hold the cold compress against your skin for at least half an hour. Avoid applying the cloth immediately after removing it. Instead, give your skin a break in between applications.
It is difficult to avoid swelling after a fiberotomy procedure. Therefore, use these tips to help ease some of that discomfort. Visit http://valleyoakdentalgroup.com/ for more information.