Oral Care Key For Organ Transplant Patients

You may not see the link between an organ transplant and your dental health, but there is a distinct correlation. A healthy mouth is essential prior to surgeries, including organ transplants, and the medications that will be prescribed to you during your procedure may impact your oral health and wellness. Make and keep regular appointments with your dentist during this time, and stick to a vigilant routine of brushing and flossing, too.

Some important things to keep in mind regarding dental health before and after your transplant include:

A healthy mouth.

It is important to have a thorough dental exam prior to your organ transplant, as a healthy mouth can prevent issues from ensuing during your recuperation and recovery from surgery. Have cavities, gum disease, and other dental issues addressed, which will reduce issues from occurring when your immune system is compromised after the transplant.

Medication side-effects.

The medications prescribed after the surgery have some side effects that may compromise your dental health. For instance, anti-rejection medications can impact the immune system which provides ample opportunity for infection and issues to ensue. It is not uncommon to develop sores, ulcers, and dry-mouth following an organ transplant procedure.

Provider collaboration.

Be sure that you sign releases for your dentist and your surgeon to collaborate and consult with each other. It is very important to be candid with your practitioners regarding any medications that you are on, and to reveal the fact that you are awaiting transplant surgery to your dentist. This will allow him to develop a treatment plan before surgery that will prevent oral health issues from occurring after surgery, and to possibly prescribe antibiotics prior to dental treatment when necessary.

After-care practices.

Following your transplant surgery, assess and check your mouth daily for spots, patches, or sores. Any changes that you notice in your oral health, such as bleeding gums, mouth dryness, or bumps should be reported to your dental provider immediately. Brush and floss daily to maintain a healthy mouth, which contributes to overall wellness and expedient recovery from surgery.

There is a link between physical well-being and oral health, and maintaining good dental practices is something that you should do to prepare for surgery. Be sure to discuss your medical condition with your dentist (someone like McMillin Jeff DDS), as well as to encourage consult between your providers before, during, and after your transplant. This will provide a continuum of care that is an essential part of a quick and comfortable recovery from your procedure.
